Career & Life Transition Coaching


My whole-life coaching approach helps you take action towards your life and career goals with intention, inner well-being, and confidence.


Do you feel like something is missing in your life?

From the outside looking in, it seems like you have it all: an ambitious career, a loving family, and healthy friendships. But internally, the path you're on isn't fulfilling you on a deep level.

Maybe you're feeling...

  • Unfulfilled – you don't feel a connection with yourself and your purpose.

  • Deeply anxious and reactive – you have little patience and react over small things.

  • Sick and rundown in health and spirit – you find yourself reaching for painkillers to get through the day.

  • Disconnected from others – your relationships with friends or your partner are suffering.


You try to practice mindfulness and exercise to address these feelings. But you wind up feeling guilty that you're not doing them right or dedicating enough time to them.

You know something has to change because you want to continue pursuing your ambitious goals. But you're tired of compromising your health and purpose for success.


I know exactly how you feel because I was once in your shoes.

Hi, I'm Niki. A few years ago, I was at the top of my career as a VP of Photography in the corporate, creative industry. I had done it – I reached the role I always aspired to through hard work and passion. 

But the stress of work and constant life demands as well as lack of true wellness practices left me feeling burnt out, unwell, and disconnected. I felt like there had to be more to life. This realization is where my path to health, balance, and fulfillment began.

I believe that your career, personal, and family lives are deeply intertwined. When any of these areas are out of sync with your sense of self and purpose, you cannot truly be well. So, I take a whole-life approach to career and life transition coaching that considers all aspects of your life.

I guide you in ...

  1. Cultivating your foundation. Connect with your sense of self and spirit to understand what true purpose means to you.

  2. Setting your clear intentions. Determine a life or career path that feels meaningful, and empower you to create it.

  3. Establishing your self-care. Guide you to establish practices that keep you grounded, healthy, and able to embrace life transitions with awareness.

Creating a healthy center through this process helps you to be your best in all areas of life.

Just imagine if you could…

  • Know you’re on the path to fulfillment in your career

  • Be clear and more focused as a leader

  • Show up more fully for your partner and family

  • Feel energized and free from headaches and body aches 

  • Ease your irritability, have awareness of your emotions, and how you respond to them

  • Feel aligned to your values in all aspects of your life


 You can achieve wild success while feeling like the best version of yourself when you lead your life from a foundation of groundedness, inner wellbeing, health, and purpose.


The Method:
Life Transition Coaching


My unique whole-life approach to coaching guides you to build a truly healthy and purposeful life and career from the inside out.


My Five C’s Approach


We begin with a calming and centering exercise that helps you to relax and become more present to your breath and body. With consistent practice each week you become aware of emotions and learn how to ground yourself and respond mindfully. Essentially, you strengthen the mind-body connection.



I work from an open heart of compassion and hold space for you to discover more about who you really are inside. My nonjudgmental, empathetic approach is paired with breathwork and yoga/somatic movement. Build your awareness of your sense of self and uncover your true essence and inner wisdom.



With strengthened awareness of your sense of self, I guide you in... 

  • Recognizing emotions through body felt sensations

  • Releasing negative patterns that no longer serve you 

  • Creating healthy habits and responses from a place of self-confidence.

  • This inner confidence allows you to lead your life from an empowered place. Be aware of your emotions and be able to respond confidently and compassionately.



Identify next action steps for your career and life that feel aligned with your values as you navigate transitions. I guide you through creating a path towards positive change and personal growth. Through mindset work, you develop the courage to take ambitious steps towards goals that align with your soul and true self.



We create a plan for establishing your daily habits of self-care and self-discovery. These practices help you align your external life with your inner values and tap into your natural source of creativity.

From this space of nurturing your inner creativity, you're able to move into the life of purpose and fulfillment you truly want. This plan may include meditation, journaling, breathing techniques, movement, personal development, being in nature, and other self-care practices.


Wondering if my life transition coaching is right for you?

We’d be a perfect match if you’re looking to…

  • Navigate a life transition with more flow, confidence, and self-awareness.

    Whether you’re going through a loss of a job, a divorce, your kids leaving home, a loss of a loved one, or aging parents – it’s overwhelming to manage it all. I guide you to feel grounded and calm through this life transition.

  • Take intentional steps towards creating a career aligned with your personal values.

    Whether you’re at the top of your industry or just settling into your career, I guide you to empower yourself to create a fulfilling career on your own terms.

 “Niki is a true guide. She helped me navigate through one of the most challenging and hopeless times of my life, and take action to change it. I would recommend to anyone in a time of transition scheduling some time with this incredible woman.

Before I started working with Niki I was in a place of feeling trapped, taken advantage of, used and helpless to make a change. I was working up to 80 hours a week most weeks, and still struggling to make ends meet. Anxiety and depression had consumed my daily life. 
I scheduled my consultation call with Niki. Right away I knew that she and I were in alignment, that she could help me to start a new chapter. From the very start, I could feel that our time together would give me space to set my intentions, and help me stay accountable to making a change. 

Her confidence in me inspired me to believe in myself. She gave me tools and exercises to prepare. Less than two weeks later I had secured [a new job] that seemed to be a perfect fit.
My life was about to change. I was no longer trapped in an unhealthy work environment, my self-confidence had skyrocketed, and for the first time in years I feel hopeful for what I can accomplish in my career.

- Shae LaPlace, Marketing and Copy Manager, Colorado.

 Book a Complimentary Consultation


What would it feel like if your life and career were in alignment with your personal values? If you could feel more fulfilled, spiritually connected, and truly well on a regular basis? 

You could finally engage more fully in your relationships, passions, and work that feels deeply purposeful to you.

This is possible for you through my whole-life coaching.

Your healthy and fulfilled whole life is waiting for you. 

Right now, it may not seem possible to have a successful career and feel fully grounded and healthy. But trust me, it is possible to have both success and inner wellbeing.

Intentional career shifting and healthy self-care have allowed me to live more fully into my purpose than I ever have before. I can’t wait to watch this happen for you through my life transition coaching.